Nude Aerobics Yoga - Take the Challenge?
Nude aerobics yoga may sound vulgar, offensive and impossible
but it exists. A lot of people may not practice it, but there
are some who prefer doing nude aerobics yoga.
While Nude aerobics yoga may connote something not applicable
to some cultures and societies, others say nudity is healthy
and natural. Those who do nude aerobics yoga say that clothes
keep them disturbed and prevent the flow of air into the body.
To some of us, this may sound peculiar, but for adherents of
this activity, wearing clothes is like excess baggage.
Nude aerobics yoga is believed to be a clean exercise because
people believe that wearing clothes invites and encourages the
proliferation of microscopic fungi and bacteria. This, especially
in warm and humid temperatures and conditions.
When the temperature is warm, clothes interfere with the natural
body temperature of our control mechanisms. This makes some
body parts hotter than the others.
People who do nude aerobics yoga can freely sweat and not suffer
it being absorbed by cotton. The belief is that those who perspire
naturally smell better. Sweaty clothes can be obnoxious.
Wearing shorts and trousers will raise the temperature of the
testicles for the male. This then results in hindering the growth
of sperm and male hormones, which reduces fertility. This can
also cause impotence in both genders.
Looking back to the earlier generations, nudity was a natural
condition, say proponents of this yoga style. They add that
nudity enhances the physical and emotional health of the individual.
Proponents of Nude yoga report that the main reason they love
doing nude aerobics yoga is because it feels great. Nude aerobics
yoga lets you express your natural emotions and lets you speak
for yourself. It's pleasant to feel natural air bathe your skin
and to feel the sweat and toxins leave your body.
Beginners may feel too self-conscious at first --but proponents
say that once you get the hang of it, you will feel totally
refreshed and invigorated..And don't be surprised if your body
changes for the better...because you have bared it all.